Why choosing this program?
The Degree program in Education Sciences offers a renewed curriculum to match the scientific, cultural and professional scenarios that characterize education sciences. In particular, the degree program:
- pays special attention to changes in the educational professions;
- integrates disciplinary knowledge, methodological and technical skills, and professional settings;
- is internationally oriented.
The Degree program is divided into three curricula:
• Child educator;
• Social educator;
• Adult educator.
Students are required to carry out a 175-hour internship in institutions and organizations conducting activities that are consistent with those included in the three curricula. In addition, numerous placement-related activities are provided.
The three-year program offers a broad vision of education sciences in different areas - family, organizations, social contexts - and in the different stages of life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood).
Our methodological approach integrates learning with practical experience to:
- provide an in-depth understanding of education sciences;
- offer a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective;
- promote the ability to make connections, develop critical thinking and encourage creativity.
The current challenge
Through traditional teaching and experiential activities, the Degree program encourages the acquisition of professional skills, orienting students to both attending a master's degree and entering the labour market.
Based on this education model, the Degree program manages to connect research, education and training, and professional practice.
Active development methodologies
During the three years, active development methodologies make it possible to implement working practices while studying.
Objectives: to propose focused interdisciplinary activities aimed at building shared knowledge and facilitating the exploration of the different disciplinary areas of education sciences in a professionally-oriented way.
Method: to promote students' reflection and acquisition of soft skills and facilitate their active participation and ability to work in groups.