Professional Roles
Educator in childcare services
This curriculum aims to train professionals able to work with children from 0 to 3 years of age in formal as well as non-formal contexts. The curriculum focuses on the following areas: learning theories and methods addressing specific developmental ages, using tools aimed at facilitating play and inclusion.
Career opportunities:
Graduates will be able to work as educators in services for early childhood, such as nursery schools, early childhood centers, and public and private services for parents and families.
Educator in social services
This curriculum aims to train professionals able to plan actions concerning the management of diversity in various social contexts. Examples include the management of migration flows and their impact on communities, the management of private and public services focusing on the development needs of young people and adults, re-education and association. The curriculum focuses on the following areas of development: learning theories and methods to address young people, adults and communities, applying active methodologies for personal and professional development.
Career opportunities:
Graduates will be able to work as educators in institutions, organizations and re-educational communities of the profit as well as non-profit sector; they will be able to work as experts in recreational and cultural services for young people, adults and the elderly, focusing on social assistance, integration, orientation and disabilities.
Adult educator
This curriculum aims to train professionals able to design, manage, monitor and evaluate training for staff in public and private organizations. The curriculum focuses on the following areas: learning theories and methods for adult education and organizational development, using ad hoc methodologies for the management of group work and the development of soft skills.
Career opportunities:
Graduates will be able to organize training courses for training agencies and companies. They will be able to plan, manage and monitor training activities for professionals and professional communities. They will also be able to work as educators in public and private information, orientation, internship and placement services (employment agencies, educational institutions and universities, cooperatives, etc.).